Image of Trust Consultation

Trust Consultation


Although the idea of getting a Common Law Trust appeals to many people, the complexity of using it takes a support staff and mentoring. The available consulting is highly recommended, as there is much information needed to glue all the elements together.

We offer three levels of Consulting:

26) Associate Consulting - $124 deposit (for details see description below)

27) Senior Consultant - Deposit $1499

28) RUSH! 7 Day Service - $2777


26) Associate Consulting - $124 deposit, Purchase as much or as little as you need, for as long as you need it. Basic questions answered within hours, via email. Weekends response time could be 72 hours or less. Fees are based on $124 hr pro-rated basis.

27) Senior Consultant - Deposit $1499, Unlimited Calls, Emails, Skype. You get the best of the best. You may invite several people to the sessions, potential Trustees, General Managers, Executive Secretaries, Beneficiaries, etc. to ask questions and learn this very valuable information from very experienced Trustees. Fees are based on $175 hr pro-rated basis.

Please note: We require you to have read "The Art of Passing the Bucks, Volume I" and become familiar with Volume II before our consultation team can help you with:

- A review of Trust documents
- Reformatting your current Trust setup
- Guide you through building a new Trust the proper way

28) RUSH! 7 Day Service - Complete Natural Law Indenture and assistance filling it out. FAST, Easy, Excellent! Usually, a 7 Day turnaround and you have your very own Trust! The price is $2777. You'll have everything you need to start in a few days time!

For more details about our consultation services, send an email to: [email protected]

NOTICE: Information served herein is for educational purposes only, no liability assumed for use. The information you obtain in this presentation is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. Consultants do not consent to unlawful action. Consultants advocate and encourage one and all to adhere to, support and defend all law which is particularly applicable. If anything in this presentation is found to be in error a good faith effort will be made to correct it in timely fashion upon notification. VOID where prohibited by law.

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